Monday, June 6, 2011

In the blink of an eye....

Dear Adrianna,
I remember when we found out we were expecting you. It was a bit of a surprise...we knew we were trying for you but within a few weeks you had begun to grow in my belly. November 26, 2009 your daddy and I went out to dinner. I glass (bottle) of wine later I started to joke that I could be pregnant. Your daddy didn't think it was possible for it to already be so we, for fun, got a pregnancy test. That night I took the test and saw that faint line that told us you were happily growing in there. In typical Joe manner, he didn't believe it and googled the "proper" way to take a pregnancy test. We woke up the next morning, he made me pee in a cup first thing in the morning (he did his research), then took the test and dipped it in the plastic cup. He waited 3 minutes (stopwatch and all) and sure enough there was that second line again, by far the happiest moment in my life. We told your grandparents and aunts/uncles 6 weeks later, we couldn't wait 3 months to share this fun secret. Your grandma Anny was in the hospital a few days out of her brain surgery. When I told her the news she was so happy she cried, she couldn't really speak yet but I knew what she was thinking. You made her recover quicker than the doctors predicted. You were her miracle.
We tried to wait to find out if you were a boy or a girl. Mommy was too anxious. The ultrasound technician said you were a girl and my eyes welled up. I immediately started to daydream about what you would be like, would you look like me? What would your cry sound like? Would you love spending time with me? I instantly wanted you to come out so I could meet my beautiful baby girl. I was a first born girl so I knew you would be special....a strong and independent little girl.
We named you Adrianna Teresa on July 9, 2010 when we met you. As soon as you came out of my belly I missed you. I wanted you all to myself again...I missed your kicks, your hiccups and even the heartburn you gave me when I ate too late. You were little, delicate, perfect (trust me, I counted your fingers and toes as soon as I held you). 10 days later you came home, we were a family and we were scared. Since then you have been growing so fast. At 4 months you rolled over on your belly, at 5 months you said what sounded like "mama", at 7 months you pulled up on the couch with no help, at 9 months your first teeth popped through your sore little gums and at 10 months you stood up without holding onto anything and just balanced there....wanting to walk but being very cautious.
 My precious baby girl, you are 11 months old now....almost 1 whole year old. How could it have been an entire year already since the day you entered this world and changed your daddy and I's world forever? You are so big, so smart and so funny! There must be a God, how else could you explain the beautiful life that you are? These next 4 weeks are going to fly by, I already know it. I wanted to sit down now and write this to you because I know I will be very busy with all the fun birthday activities we have planned for you. Daddy and I love you so very much. There is nothing in the world we wouldn't do to make you happy. In fact, everything I do is for you baby girl. I hope that as you grow (more slowly please!) you always keep that smile on your face. I hope you always feel confident in your abilities to do whatever it is you want to do....for now it will be in walking and learning how to speak but confidence is something you will need your entire life. Don't ever feel less than perfect, you will always be perfect in my eyes.

Love Always,


  1. Hey yaneris! This is David. I saw this online and thought i'd read it and reading this whole thing brought a tear to my eye! lol as funny as that sounds it was perfectly written, i still remember when you told me while you and dan were downstairs and i thought you guys were playing a joke on me! Well i'm proud to be Adrianna's uncle and shes way too cute!

    -Love, David.

  2. Aww! I love you bro, and so does you can tell from her reaction when she sees you! You were one of the first Hernandezes to meet her!
